You are the leader you are waiting for.

You are the change you are seeking.

There is a spring and a natural source of joy, within you and me. This well of our being is ALWAYS intact.

However as life happens, it tends to muddy up and may even get clogged.

Once our natural flow of JOY is freed up, numerous gifts and opportunities spring up naturally and continuously.

Creative and intuitive ideas flow and propel our prosperity. Our sense of connection and harmony heightens and ignites healthy relationships. Our body naturally restores itself and we radiate with healthy energy.

The quality of our ENERGY is the foundation of what we attract and create.

It’s the one thing that trumps everything.

We are leading and creating at all times; by default or conscious awareness.

How would you feel if you could consciously lead your energy and experience the flow that you were born with?


Hello, I’m Bita Pouyafar.

As a Certified Professional Coach, Peak Performance and Masters Practitioner in the Energy Leadership Index Assessment (ELI-MP), I have a unique approach to leadership and living in the state of flow & creation.

In my own life experience, I’ve had many occasions where I felt my natural flow impeded. To name a few; leaving my homeland Iran unexpectedly, for good (due to the revolution), losing an entire home to an accidental fire, and a major business failure.

With every misfortune, I felt the need to redefine my relationship with loss and explore ways to re-view my situation and expand myself. Although I felt the pain of the loss every time, once I was able to go beyond it, and detach from the external loss, I discovered a deeper pool of joy, creativity, freedom and expansion, within.

I have done some amazing transformational work in my journey. The one that opened my eyes the most is Energy Leadership. It is the one that I go to daily to ground myself.

Every single personal or group Energy Leadership workshop and Assessment Debrief that I have conducted over the past 14 years has elevated myself as well as my clients. This continues to fascinate me.

That is why I am both excited and passionate about partnering up with you. Together we can sustainably elevate our energy and our quality of life; One person, one family and one community at a time.

Together we can practice and master the Art and Science of Energy Leadership to lead ourselves and our world 🌍 in Harmony & Prosperity.

Together we can witness our dreams become viable ways of being.

When we elevate energetically, we empower ourselves, our families, our communities, AND the future generations to come!


You are invited to join me in this exhilarating experience!

To The Well of Your Being,


Book Me

We are the leaders we are waiting for.

We are the change we are seeking.